The general “Picker” is the first dialog you must understand. It is similar to the standard file dialog as seen here.
The “Picker” dialog
You are presented with a scrolling list of unit type sets (or universes, or unit types) and several buttons. The buttons “Delete” and “Edit”, when allowed, apply to the currently selected item. “New” will create another. In the editor the double click is like the edit button. In the game only OK and Cancel will work. Double clicking an entry is like selecting it and hitting OK.
In the rule editor you invoke the picker from the “Select” menu. Once a universe has been selected you may select types in that universe. Otherwise the types menu item will be dimmed. From a rule set editor you can also get to the type editor via any of the sixteen buttons.
The Universe Editor
The universe editor provides access to the tech level, supply and subcategory definitions. The picture above shows a simplified version of how the universe editor looks which showing the universe called “New Style”. The technology levels are “Morale” and “R&D”. The Supplies are in the second column, starting with “Water”. The subcategories are on the right beginning with “Land”. Icons for terrain features (cities, lakes and some that are not yet used) are also stored in the universe. For this reason it is a good idea to always copy an old universe rather than creating a new one.
There are two more buttons in this dialog that allow you to edit the “attack” and “defend” result tables for this universe. (See the discussion of Combat.) When an attack is made the results are determined by finding an entry in each of these tables. The column is determined by the effective odds. The row is determined randomly. The unit’s hit points are reduced to the percentage result. For example if the result is 25% then a 12 hit point unit will lose 9 hit points and be left with 3. One table shows the effect on the attacker and the other table shows the effect on the defender.
The Supply Definition editor
Clicking on a supply or technology levels brings up another dialog editor. Tech level and supply definitions fix their names and resupply rates.
Shown here is how the “Morale” definition appears. It is a local technology level since ‘global’ is not checked. It is not capturable. This means that its value is reset to the initial value when you capture an enemy city. The initial value is defined by the ‘Initial Quantity’ and by the ‘Random Factor’. The initial value is the initial quantity, plus some integer below the random factor (chosen randomly.)
The Min Resupply Rate of one indicates that every turn you posses a city its morale will go up by one. Since the Max Resupply Rate is the same you cannot do anything to affect this rate of change.
The Subcategory Definition editor
Subcategories are just named symbols as shown here:
The subcategories are used to define what units can transport which other units. Only “Enabled” subcategories can be used.
The Type Set editor
The type set editor is used to select from preexisting type definitions. Each of the sixteen buttons brings up a type picker. Shown here is a simplified picture of how it looks:
This shows the type set named “New” in the universe called “New Style”. Clicking on “New Style” brings up the universe editor. The type set name can be edited normally. Selecting locked will prevent future changes to the type set until it is deselected. (But not to unit types and the universe.) At some point we may distribute special rule sets that are permanently locked.
Stack limits control how many units can be in a city square or a non-city square. Zero indicates no limit (infinite stacking allowed.)
Use Write to generate a helpful summary of the rules. You can edit or print this with any text editor.
The Analyze button generates some internal tables that are needed for the game to work correctly. This is now automatic and you can ignore the button.
The other sixteen buttons are used to select the unit types that make up this rule set. (Only eight are shown above.) When you click on one of these buttons the unit type picker will appear. Just choose a type and hit OK for each one. (There is no way to make a selection “undefined”. However duplicate types will be eliminated so you can make a type “undefined” by selecting any type that appears earlier in the type set.)